Wentworth Historical Society
Meeting Schedule
Wentworth Historical Society Museum
East Side Road
Wentworth, NH 03282
April to December
Every third Thursday, 7 p.m. at the Historical Society Museum
Join us for historical topics and stimulating conversation. Members and non-members are invited to attend.
Upcoming Schedule
Meeting Format
The meeting format is usually a short business meeting, followed by a presentation given by a guest speaker or one of our members. If you happen to drive by and see the lights on, come in and see what’s happening.
Historical Society Officers
- Sonia Scheller, President
- Marguerite Burne, Vice President
- Donna King, Secretary
- Craig Pasco, Treasurer
Historical Society Museum
The Historical Society Museum is open every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm from the Saturday before Memorial Day to the Saturday before Labor Day.
Boston Post Cane
About the Cane
The tradition of the Boston Canes began in 1909 by Edwin Grozier, Publisher of the Boston Post, who requested that an ebony cane adorned with an engraved golden knob be presented to the oldest citizen of the town.
The canes were all made by J.F. Fradley and Co., from ebony and were completed with 14-carat gold two inch long head decorated by hand. Each head was engraved with the inscription, Presented by the Boston Post to the oldest citizen of (name of town).
Originally intended for the oldest male in town, in 1930 Select Boards began awarding this honor to women as well.
The custom of the Boston Post Cane took hold in those towns that received them and continues to this day in towns that are lucky enough to still have canes as many were lost or destroyed. Wentworth Historical Society has an original cane on exhibit in the Wentworth Museum.
Current Recipient
Henry Bromkamp, 93, was presented the Boston Post Cane on August 17, 2023 as the oldest resident in town.
Historical Photos
Click on the photos for a larger version.