Local Information
Information about services available to residents of our area.
Information was last verified on August 26, 2023.
See something that should be corrected? Please let the know.
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Name & Location | Phone/Hours | Website |
New Hampshire Electric Coop Plymouth, NH |
1-800-698-2007 |
Warren/Wentworth Food Pantry Located under the Warren/Wentworth Ambulance Service building on Studio Road in Warren. |
For eligibility information or to make a donation, stop by or call Don Bagley at 603-470-3203. The pantry is open Friday 7 am - 8 am and 12 pm - 3 pm. |
The pantry gratefully accepts food or monetary donations as well as donations of personal and household care items. |
Dead River Company Plymouth, NH |
603-536-2762 |
Rymes Propane & Oil Pembroke, NH |
603-228-2224, |
Perry's Oil Service/Patten's Gas North Haverhill, NH |
800-654-3344 |
Thomson's Fuels Bradford, VT |
802-222-3330 |
Commissioners’ Office North Haverhill, NH |
603-787-6941 |
All Departments North Haverhill, NH |
co.grafton.nh.us/ all-departments |
Alice Peck Day Hospital Lebanon, NH |
603-448-3121 |
Cottage Hospital Woodsville, NH |
603-747-9000 |
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, NH |
603-650-5000 |
Speare Memorial Hospital Plymouth, NH |
603-536-1120 |
Consolidated Communications Covers 23 states in the US |
1-844-YOUR.CCI |
Spectrum Cable |
1-800-892-4357 customer support 1-855-243-8892 new service or existing order support |
Baker's River Grange Rumney, NH |
See NH State Grange Directory |
New Hampshire Government Concord, NH |
Dead River Company Plymouth, NH |
603-536-2762 |
Perry's Oil Service/Patten's Gas North Haverhill, NH |
800-654-3344 |
Thomson's Fuels Bradford, VT |
802-222-3330 |
Wentworth Post Office located on the Wentworth Common Wentworth, NH |
603-764-9444 |
Grafton County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. Plymouth, NH chapter |
603-536-1204 |
Good Morning (free daily telephone reassurance) |
1-877-711-7787 |
Contact Grafton County Senior Citizens Council |
Chore Corps (for help with occasional household repairs) |
1-877-711-7787 |
Contact Grafton County Senior Citizens Council |
Consolidated Communications Covers 23 states in the US |
1-844-YOUR.CCI |
Kancamagus Highway |
603-447-5448 (Saco Ranger Station) |
NH & Boston Commuter Traffic Cameras |
603-396-8841 |
Visit NH, sponsored by the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs |
Visit website |